Any of the topics below can be customized for faith-based or non-faith-based to meet the needs of the audience
PRESENTATION FOR SECULAR AUDIENCES – Perfect for schools, community events, businesses, and other organizations needing a boost!
- Courage after Crisis
- You never know when a tragedy will strike. Accidents, suicide, threats, and other catastrophic events can come out of nowhere and turn one’s world upside down. In 2013, my son Tyler, along with three other boys, died tragically in a car accident on the outskirts of our small town of Sleepy Eye, Minnesota. My family, our community, the surrounding communities, as well as students and staff, were found reeling in devastation. An array of emotions from confusion, anger, sadness, frustration, and guilt swirled through the minds of many. How does one go on living when so much has been lost? How can good come from such intense suffering? A few of Tyler’s closest friends have offered to join me to help navigate the listeners through turbulent waters. We will share our personal testimonies along with tools, strategies, and resources that helped us work through our grief. Walking with others who have been through hardships is one of the best resources in healing. We would be honored to walk this journey with you. It takes determination and courage to move forward after a crisis, and “Courage after Crisis” is one of the best resources in providing that opportunity.
- Be Kind. Give More. Stay Humble. – Words and Actions that Make a Difference
- The goal of every parent and educator is to develop and raise “good” people who are empathetic, compassionate, productive, giving, and capable servant leaders. In today’s world character traits of being kind, giving more, and staying humble have gone by the wayside, as self-serving, self-centered, and prideful character traits seem to be emerging The phrase Be Kind. Give More. Stay Humble., was coined by my son, Tyler, to honor his sister, Kaylie, after her sudden passing from SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected Death from Epilepsy). This slogan became our family motto and the way we choose to intentionally live our lives every day. Through my message, I can help develop these character traits in the students to increase their well-being, improve their confidence level, and strengthen their relationships with others.
- Overcoming Adversity
- Adversity in life is inevitable. Often our students are caught off guard and lack the skill set to cope with hardships that may come their way. Broken relationships, setbacks from the COVID-19 pandemic, bullying, lack of playing time, academic struggles, poor body image, and low self-esteem – along with unknown struggles at home, family hardships, and the death of a loved one, are some of the possibilities that can send the life of a student spiraling out of control. The goal of this seminar is to equip today’s youth with the tools to help prepare them to handle the many hardships that will come their way and inspire them to turn their setbacks into opportunities to better their lives.
FAITH-BASED PRESENTATIONS – Perfect for churches, youth, and adult faith formation, and Christian faith conferences large or small!
- My Amazing Life – Finding God in the Midst of the Storm
- Inspired by God’s gracious mercy in the produce section of a grocery store, Deb was given a life-altering message from the “Zucchini Lady” that would change the way she viewed her life. After losing two children, how can one have an amazing life? How can life be anything but sad when the world feels like it is closing in on you? Deb will share with you the message she received, how it opened her heart to the Lord, and how her life can be nothing short of amazing. Deb believes that no matter your circumstances, no matter your hardships, you can still have an amazing life when you trust in the Lord.
- Teach me how to P.R.A.Y. (Great as a Keynote or Conference Breakout Session)
- Inspired by Matthew 7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and the door shall be opened to you,” Deb will provide you strategies to open the door to your heart to receive the many blessings God has prepared for you. Deb has always believed in God and thought she had a strong faith, but when her children passed suddenly she found herself lost, alone, broken, and wondering where God was. Deb will take you through the highs and lows of her journey and share with you how the door to her heart was opened by the Lord, how she was inspired to create the Morning God Boost, and how God asked her to “Help those who are hurting find hope in the Lord and get to Heaven.”
- Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign!
- The Lord is always speaking to us, but sometimes we miss what he is saying. Deb will share with you the incredible signs she has received once she opened her heart and started listening to the Lord. The Bible verse Acts 20:24, “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace, “ along with a single purple petunia are some of the many signs given to Deb by the Lord. Deb will share her story with you and help you to tune in to the many ways God is speaking to you.